Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hanging A Finished Puzzle

Puzzles can be a lot of work, 
so why take them apart when you're done?

In only a few steps, you can turn your finished puzzle into hangable artwork

Materials: Puzzle (complete), Cardboard, Scissors, ModPodge,
 Paintbrush, Sharpie, Exacto Knife, Metal Ruler, Tape, Fishing Wire

Step 1: Put a coat of ModPodge on the top of your finished puzzle with an old Paintbrush
This will help hold everything together when you transfer it onto the cardboard.
Try to keep your brushstrokes consistent in direction.  

Step 2: Take the measurements of your puzzle with your ruler and draw out 
your rectangle with your sharpie on a piece of cardboard.

Step 3: Cut your rectangle out using your exacto knife. When you are finished lay it over top your puzzle. Use your scissors to trim off any excess cardboard. *I suggest cutting your rectangle a little smaller than the actual size of the puzzle, to ensure you don't see cardboard when it hangs. 

Step 4: Use your ruler to find the center of your piece of cardboard. Then pick a measurement
 that works for your puzzle, and mark two spots equal length apart from the center. Take your time with this. Once your marks are equal, with your exacto knife, slice a small horizontal cut on your mark.   

Step 5: I know this is hard to see, but cut a piece of fishing wire and thread it through your cut. 
Once through the back, tie a knot and tape it down upright onto the back of your cardboard.
 (The side that we will be glueing the puzzle to.) 

Step 6: Pull your fishing wire to the top and middle of your cardboard to get an idea of about how much
 more you will need. Repeat Step 5 on the other side. If you find that you have to much wire, just tie a little 
knot to get it to where you want it to be. 

Step 7: Here comes the tricky part! Find something to help you transfer your puzzle onto your cardbaord. I used a cookie sheet. Next, put a hefty layer of modpodge onto your cardboard. Make sure to hit the corners and move quick. The more it dries, the less you will be able to move it when you transfer your puzzle.

Once the glue modpodge dries you are ready to hang! 

I used this Saturday Evening Post Puzzle in creating a 
Marine Corps Tribute Wall for my  boyfriend. 

See that wasn't so bad! Enjoy! 

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